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Three Ways to Involve Parents in Bible Classes

Read Deut 31:9-13. Do you think God planned for a child of say 21 to have only heard the law and stories of the O.T. 3 times? Of course not. What do we think happened to Israel? They we supposed to hear this law daily from their families and then have it read to them once every 7 years. According to Deut 6:4-9 the responsibility of teaching the everyday lessons and reinforcing the law was placed on families of Israel

When we read Eph 6:4 we realize the job of teaching falls to someone other than JUST the Bible Class teacher. Who has this responsibility? Who should be conducting the teaching? Bible classes are simply the “icing on the cake” for students. Parents (particularly fathers) need to make sure children have what they need to excel in God’s kingdom. Do we expect children to simply become interested in spiritual things when they are 18?

Here are three practical ways to engage parents in your next Bible class:

Use a Parent Letter

Be sure to explain the point of the bible class from a biblical perspective. Also emphasize the importance of attending every class. In your letter outline behavior expectations, classroom assignments, and out of class parent activities. Engage parents early.

Point system

For older classes, it would be great to include a point system where students earn points for various portions of class. Explain that each class attended gains them a point, class participation is worth an amount, reading quizzes have value. Assign a class presentation at the end of the quarter. The key is to include the parents on how the points are awarded. You have to be careful here--do not make these points punitive. Your purpose is to engage the students and the parents.

Admit/Exit Slip

Each class requires a “ticket” to enter or exit. Students should be able to quote a verse or turn in a ticket signed by parents to say they did their assigned reading. Parents are informed of the assigned reading, students are required to complete the assignment and your classroom discussion will benefit.

Do you have other ideas of how to engage parents in your Bible class? I would welcome your thoughts. Thank you.

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